I’ve taken an AST 1, whats next?

“We have all taken the AST Level 1 course with you. Do you offer another course on top of that one to be more prepared?”
Todd, Calgary, AB

Although an Introductory Avalanche Course like the AST1 is a great start, you are right that there is more to learn about staying safe in avalanche terrain. The knowledge is good, but it is the application that makes the difference. Interactive classroom sessions help participants grasp ‘how to use’ the knowledge and skills. These discussions bring out the different points of view and draw from the unique experiences of the classroom participants. Each avalanche course that we run is unique and this keeps me keen as I learn something new each time I teach the program. Each story is unique and leads to a ‘new tool in the safety toolbox’.

We have changed the AST1 classroom session so much (considerably more group work is included now) that I would encourage you to consider retaking the classroom session. Your group can build on the knowledge and experiences that you already have. Even hearing the same information for a second time is worth the investment as your level of understanding will increase each time that you are exposed to the material. Learning is often about seeing patterns. Viewing the same info from different angles helps you discover how each condition, decision and action relate to each other.

Keep reading Zac’s Tracs newsletters.

CLICK HERE to follow this link for the archived newsletters in case you may have missed any.
Follow through with the links in the newsletter articles when you can. There are many websites with awesome articles and discussions.
**Be sure to email me with the links to other websites that you enjoy. I will link our sites if possible. This will help everyone stay informed.

Another recommendation is to check into the discounts for past Zac’s students to re-attend the AST1 field sessions.
CLICK HERE to be redirected
You can never complete enough rescue scenarios. Although this is the most common question, it really isn’t about ‘what’s the best beacon’. It is about ‘which beacon are you most practiced using’? Your level of familiarity with the technology will boost your search skills as your mind can focus on all the other important tasks in a rescue if your beacon skills are automatic.

If you want to go a step further, and increase your education we also offer the Avalanche Skills Training Level 2 (AST 2)

Click Here to read about Zac’s Tracs AST 2 class

This is the link for the AST 2 course curriculum as set by the CAC.

If you are interested in this type of training please Email Zac’s so that we can gauge the interest and create future schedules around the communities that are most interested.

Good books are available from the Canadian Avalanche Centre:

“Sledding in Avalanche Terrain” AST1 course manual – 2006 revision – Bruce Jamieson, Darcy Svederus, Lori Zacaruk
“Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain” – Bruce Tremper
To order call the CAA at 1250-837-2435