TC-3000A Radio

Product Description

Amazing range
Use at 10 watts for range or 5 watts to conserve battery life
260 hours long standby timeRadioTYT_TC3000A_r.JPG
The 3000A is a rugged water resistant 16 channel high power radio that is available in UHF bands
It is capable of a 10W power output
English Voice Prompts


  • extra 3600mAh polymer Li-ion Battery
  • medium duty speaker/mic
  • water resistant fabric mic cover
  • 110V charging system
  • programmed for FRS/GMRS channels

These radios have been programmed for 16 FRS & GMRS channels and can communicate on the lower channels with standard Motorolas, BCA BC-Links, and Garmin Rhinos, as an example.

TC-3000A RadioMedium Duty Radio Mic

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