Carmens Comments

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Hi Lori. 

Thanks for the amazing course.  I admit I was actually dreading it but wanted to support my husband in his passion.  I absolutely sat in judgement of anyone selling the sport after our tragedy two years ago.  A very close friend was lost to an avalanche and it has been hard to move  through.

I want to say that your knowledge and passion were undeniable and your assessment of real risk admirable.  At no point in twelve hours of AST Class and Rescue Workshop did I fade out or tire of the information even if I wasn’t always a “positive receiver”.  That in itself should tell you your presentation is great.

The discussions about overnighting and other non-avalanche backcountry emergencies reinforced our own ideas about what it takes to be prepared and responsible mountain riders and we definitely are making changes to the gear we are carrying.

Thanks again for the day.  I would like to let you know that I am feeling much better about the sport and we are both looking forward to our field sessions in December.”

Carmen K,
Bentley AST Class